Are you willing to die for a lie?

Are you willing to die for a lie
The Nomad Pastor
Are you willing to die for a lie?

Today my question is simple?  Would you be willing to die for a lie? Not just would you die but would you be tortured and die for a lie that you knew wasn’t true?  That is the biggest part of the question, that you knew that it wasn’t true.  I believe that when people challenge Christianity today, they overlook a key area of evidence.  We can trust the testimony of the apostles because so many of them died a martyr’s death because they stood on two truths:  The first truth is the deity of Christ and the second is the resurrection of Christ.  The men were persecuted, tortured, beaten, and faced death by some of the cruelest and most painful methods we can imagine.  Let’s just run through real fast the Apostles.